general education
Feb 28 2020
Defense of Inclusive Placement and Program
OAH case no. 2018060323, Goleta Union School District Court determined that Student, whose basis of eligibility of special education services was Intellectual Disability, had been making progress in his general education-based program. District’s request to increase Student’s time out of the general education classroom was denied. Court awarded family additional inclusion support to facilitate Student’s… Continue reading Defense of Inclusive Placement and Program
Details -
Feb 28 2020
District Ordered to Provide Inclusive Placement
OAH case nos. 2017070729 & 2017060297, Student v. East Whittier City School District Court determined that Student, whose basis of eligibility of special education services was Intellectual Disability, had been making progress in his general education-based program and that a general education placement with appropriate supports offered him a placement in the least restrictive environment… Continue reading District Ordered to Provide Inclusive Placement