Resources for Coping at Home

Actum, a Clinical and Behavioral Services agency under the direction of the well known autism expert, Dr. Mitchell Taubman, has posted on its website two important documents related to providing supports and interventions at home for students with autism during this time of social isolation. They provide guidance and support suggestions that we believe parents and other providers will find helpful.

Balance: Bringing School Behavior services Into The Home (In these Crazy Times)
With students at home, parents are finding it necessary to decide how to focus the day in a manner that is consistent with what was taking place pre-closedown.  As Dr. Taubman outlines, setting a positive tone, reacting calmly to the new stresses and finding a workable system of organization can all be helpful.

Coping In These Very Stressful and Atypical Times
Dr. Taubmans’ second document identifies the emotions typical during this time and offers tips for coping with those emotions.  He also provides citations to additional reading materials that can be helpful as we struggle to find our way in the “new normal.”


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