Vanaman German and Disability Rights Challenge AB 130
Vanaman German joins Disability Rights California to challenge AB 130, the California Independent Study law that has negatively impacted students with disabilities across the state.
On Monday September 20, 2021, Vanaman German and Disability Rights California filed a complaint with the United States Department of Justice on behalf of six families and two disability organizations regarding California’s new Independent Study law, which sharply limits distance learning to only one option for families whose children are at higher risk from COVID-19: Independent Study. This law denies disabled students, especially those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, meaningful access to Independent Study because of the program design or denial of needed accommodations. The result of the new state law is that students with disabilities do not have the alternatives to in-person classes that are available to non-disabled students. They now face an intolerable choice: to attend in-person classes (despite the danger of the Delta Variant to vulnerable children), or remain at home without access to their schools and the educational services they need to learn and succeed. A month into the school year, many children still sitting at home without any educational services.
The complaint is below.
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